Thursday, September 30, 2010

To Detox from my vacation

You know after you've eaten at restaurants for a week, and you feel a little sluggish?  Well, this is the solution.  Yum!  It's a copycat version of a salad Mom and I shared at a restaurant (Pier in Petoskey--Petoskey?) last week in Michigan.  That was delicious.  This one isn't as perfect, but it still hit the spot.

Yummy Salad

1 box organic spring greens/spinach mix from Wal-Mart ($2.50--gotta love that)
1 oz. sharp cheddar cheese, diced (white is prettier, but I just had orange)
1 handful dried cherries
1 handful dried cranberries
1 handful sliced almonds, toasted
1 cucumber
1/2 loaf french bread, made into croutons (like this recipe)
2 chicken breasts, sauteed or grilled, and sliced into strips
1 recipe apricot vinaigrette, below

Toss everything together except the chicken, croutons, and dressing.  Arrange the chicken and croutons artfully on top. (Or don't put any chicken on, if your kids decide one night that they'd rather die than eat chicken.)  Drizzle with vinaigrette.  (Unless vinaigrette is also poison.  Which it might just be, if you are 7 years old.)

Apricot Vinaigrette

1/4 cup apricot preserves
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
dash of salt
sprinkle of pepper

Put all the ingredients in a blender and whir away until thoroughly combined.  I think this would probably work with any preserves (raspberry?  strawberry?  Yum.)

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